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Little bird flying in virtual world I am now a Model in Classic w/ Style University but still learn a lot.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Listening music.

As a music lover I spend lot of my time listening music. Some sweet in the background or others I deep listen because they ask you to stay concentrate on them and so I can't do something else.

Out of the music business which just offer you to pay often the same kind of singers and kind of music, where you pay first before to know what it is, I discovered a great community of great music/songs creators.
They use to give their work under Creative Common License so you can listen them and pay them if you like and want it. You can share it and even work on it while you respect to use or tell this License.

The best website for these musics is Jamendo . There you can listen, download, comment the music also you can send message to the creator , helping it etc.
All kind of music can be found there and you will surely discover some treasures.

During the shows or my training work I always listen music I had found there. As an example, to be relax and quiet, I specially appreciate Zero-Project music.
Zero-Project music is so sweet that it make me be already in the smoothing way and help me to not be nervous even if some lag or technical problems happen.

In a way or another depending of your feeling and wishes you will find what you could need.

For the ones who likes Spanish Classical Guitar music, Paco Santiago is a great artist musician he's another one I often listen too while training or during the shows.
Thanks much to them.

Not all is good in Jamendo but some are really lovely and the comments help you.

So enjoy some great musics and let your feelings live.

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